Now on to the fun stuff! I was honored to have been asked to document this birth. Not only is that amazing in itself, but this also so happens to be my brother and his wife's first child, and my new niece! What an emotional event this was.
I had made the decision after talking to Mom that I would leave in the morning on May 9th to make the 5 hour drive to where they lived to be there in time for the birth. However, I got a call at 2 that morning saying she was in labor and at the hospital. I left at 7 AM to try and make it - she was already 7 cm dilated at that point and I did not have high hopes that I would be there in time. Praise God, I made it and didn't miss a single moment of amazing capture time! So here we are, a birth story.

What a view, huh?

OMG!!!!!! I'm teary and extremely jealous!! They are going to LOVE these pictures forever. Great job Tanya once again your amazing. My fav pic is the doc holding the baby from what I can imgaine is right out of the womb.
Thanks Kristine! Yes, that one was literally seconds after she was born, and that's one of my favorites too! Thank you, so much :)
Oh my gosh I am crying and rmembering the briths of every one of my five children. Awesome shots they will treasure forever!! Kudos to you :) And congratulations auntie :)
These are just beautiful! I love that Mom was ok with you sharing so many of these intimate moments. WHat a beautiful birth.
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