Thursday, May 3, 2012

Birth Day - Savannah | Maryland Fine Art & Birth Photographer

This is the second birth I've had the pleasure of attending to photograph, and I have to tell you - it is amazing.  I am in love with capturing the moments as they happen, being a fly on the wall so to speak and just document the amazing journey that birth itself is.  It's such an honor for me to be asked to attend this very momentous event in someone's life!

I have to admit - after the last birth I attended, I came with expectations.  I expected that I would have good lighting, but I didn't.  I expected that I would get this wonderfully beautiful image of baby being brought into the world surrounded by her loved ones she had yet to meet, but Mom had an unplanned c-section.  I had expected after hearing she needed a c-section, that I would get images of mom with baby and dad with baby, the three of them as a family - but Mom had to be put fully under for her c-section and wouldn't be awake for a long while after baby was born.  I expected to get pictures up close of baby being measured and such after being born, but she was taken to the nursery and the closest I could get was behind the glass like everyone else.  With all of that - it sounds like a "less than ideal" situation for me as a photographer, and I admit to being slightly disappointed at not being able to capture what I had "expected".  But a wonderful thing happened.  A friend reminded me that my job as a photographer was to document the experience of her birth.  Did I accomplish that?  Yes, I did.  And with that as my background, I feel confident and in awe with what transpired.  My feelings are now right where they should be.  I will never forget those words.  This experience taught me so much about who I am as an artist.  I am so grateful!

Now - to the birth story!  It is going to be a pretty lengthly post.  But how can you tell a birth story in just a few images?  It's just not possible.

kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth
kg.leaf photography birth

Congrats again Mom and Dad, she's gorgeous!  So thankful that you allowed me in to this precious moment of your lives.

1 comment:

Emily Miller said...

what a beautiful BEAUTIFUL birth session. I now want so badly to do one of these... BADLY!!!!