Friday, August 14, 2009

Family time - Maryland | DC Metro | Frederick County Family Photographer

We're very fortunate that work schedules allow us all to get together to do fun things with the kids during the summer. Last week we took the kids to the DC aquarium with brother-in-law and his family. The kids had a great time and we learned two things - one, the DC aquarium should really just be labeled "someone's private fish collection that you have to pay to see" and to save our money for the Baltimore aquarium next time; and two, we always seem to forget that finding a place to eat with kids that doesn't come from a street vendor is a lot more difficult than we think.

But all in all, we had a fun time and the kids loved it!

I've always wanted to get a picture like this of my kids...too bad this is my nephew, mine wouldn't sit still long enough for it!

We happened across a woman who was feeding the pigeons, and was kind enough to give the kids each some of what she had so they could join in on the fun.

My little nephew is the only boy of the bunch. He always seems to try and squeeze himself smack into the middle of the action!

We even did the tourist thing and tried to get a shot of all the kids together. Well...they actually lined up like this on their own and I did my best!

Little man took it upon himself to march right up the stairs to the mayor's office, his face tells me that he wants to give him a piece of his mind!

While we were waiting for our train, Ms. L was awfully cooperative with me doing a mini shoot. I took advantage!

Ms. A is famous for her pouty lip. I'm not exaggerating one bit when I say that the very first picture we have of her, literally less than 5 minutes after she was born, she was giving us this very same lip.

Another habit...which I also have sonogram pictures to prove she was doing this in the womb! Not an easy one to break.

I've got a load of blog posts coming up! The rest of my session with the little screamer you saw last post (hehe), an engagement session that I am beyond excited about, and a family shoot with some of my very favorite people. Stay tuned!

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