Thursday, October 13, 2011

And Now a Family of Five | Maryland Fine Art & Lifestyle Family Photographer

I have been shooting this family since it was just Mom and her little how things change in the course of just a few short years! Now they're an adorable family of five. :)

I had a really hard time narrowing down these images. I always do with this family, they make my job so easy and anything goes - just what I love!
kg.leaf photography little girl

Remember this guy? He's all grown up now!
kg.leaf photography little boy
kg.leaf photography big girl

I've known this girl since she was a baby. She's always been a beauty!
kg.leaf photography big girl b/w

There are snails all over this location - we found on in a tree! Do you see it?
kg.leaf photography the snail
kg.leaf photography girl reach
kg.leaf photography happy girl
kg.leaf photography sunlit hair girl
kg.leaf photography sitting boy
kg.leaf photography boy and family
kg.leaf photography family
kg.leaf photography family of five
kg.leaf photography daddy and son

Thank you so much again for your generous donation to the FRM!


2WildThingsMama said...


retoque foto said...

Thanks for sharing this information and beautiful picture.. They are really stunning... You did a great job.