I'm sure a number of you love someone affected by autism. You know the struggles, you know the challenges, and you know the rewards. We are so thankful for Javin and his view on the world! God creates us all with unique roles to fill, and it's amazing to me that even those with additional challenges in their life have roles just like everyone else. They are not "less". They are not "mistakes". In His eyes, they are perfectly whole.
Those of you who are familiar with autism know what a challenge it can be to get eye contact. Javin and I had a connection going on this session. And to thank me, he gave me amazing eye contact! One of my favorite gifts. :)

The many faces of Javin!

He was so interested in the statue people! His head placement there on the right? His idea. :)

Want to know what happens when a child throws a fit on a shoot? We improvise! And in this case, get some of the best shots of the entire shoot. Rolling around on the ground in a tantrum = great backdrop for face shots! In his defense....I would have thought the canal was a great place to try and swim when I was 3 too.

Thanks for a fun evening, Mr. J!
If you would like to learn more about autism, or if you love someone with autism and would like a really amazing resource, check out www.autismspeaks.org.
AWWW! I L-O-V-E them!! Beautiful work as usual! Thank you thank you thank you for capturing my Boogie in such a wonderful way! Love ya!
Tanya -
You have blessed Javin's family so many times with your amazing pictures. Thank you for this wonderful gift! God has annointed you with an amazing gift and you are using it to make His world better one special picture at a time.
Bless you!
Tanya, this session is amazing! The eye contact between you and Javin is phenomenal! Love, Love, Love the pictures and I have to say your little subject is just toooo cute!
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