Just look at this adorable room! I fell in love the moment I saw it.

Those eyes....he's going to be a lady killer one day!

It was hysterical, it was like all that smiling wore him down and he just passed out! We tried to wake him up and he didn't want to budge! So, might as well make lemonade and take advantage of what you're given, right? ;)

Trying to get him to budge - not happening!

personal favorite

We gave him a few more minutes and he finally let us wake him from his cat nap. He's very observant when he first wakes!

Thank you again M family for allowing me to come in to your home and rearrange your house!
If you can get 25 different people to comment on this post by Thursday night, you'll get a free 5x7 of your choice! Happy commenting!
Such beautiful work, Tanya!!!! I absolutely love the range of special moments you were able to capture of our Baby K. The pictures bring tears of joy and pride to my eyes.
Thank you. You truly have a gift!
- Mom M.
these pictures are so adorable!!! Love them!
- Rocky and Foster
Keegan is a rockstar! I love the photos of him in his plaid newsboy cap. Watch out ladies.
His eyes are gorgeous! I also kind of can't get over how much hair he has. These pictures are great!
Great photography! But look what a great subject you had to work with. He takes after his grandpa Simmons (me). Can't wait for a photo shoot with Keegan and the grandparents. (now you're talking too cute!) Can we get him in TV commercials? I need a retirement fund. Seriously, what a blessing!
Thanks for the great work! God Bless!
Once again, thanks for letting us in on another priceless photo session with Baby Keegan. He is a charmer for sure - sure has captured by heart. Take care Mom and Dad.
Absolutely breathtaking. Those eyes are mesmerising!
Love the pics. I'm amazed by his blue eyes!
What great photos, and what an adorable baby!
These pics are perfect! His personality shows in each pic :)
K.'s toes in the first wake-up picture near the end...Love!
My favorites are when he's out cold - sleeping on mom's shoulder wearing a cap, and when he's snoozing in the basket. Too cute!
These are just AMAZING photos!!! He is so gorgeous and so very happy!
What fabulous pictures! You do amazing work. Keegan is an adorable subject, but you made the most of every moment. The photos of him sleeping are priceless.
The pictures look great! I have the world's most handsome nephew!
I like the basket ones. You did a great job Tanya.
Sooooo SWEET!!! Beautiful photos of a beautiful little boy. Ya just gotta love him!! :)
- Grandma & Grandpa Moss
Oh Tanya...these are sooooo gorgeous!! I love them all!! I really wish you could take pictures of my family and I!
Love, Love, Love these pics! As always Tanya your work is beautiful! Moss Family...he is adorable! Jenn, you have to bring him in again:)
Absolutely beautiful :) Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Love Love Love this shoot! Tanya, work work is so beautiful!
Moss family, he is adorable! You need to bring him into the office:)
Wow, what a beautiful baby boy. great job Tanya!
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